Deep Learning and its Applications
CSCI 566 • Spring 2023 • University of Southern California
Recently, deep learning has advanced many AI-related problems from image retrieval, video analysis, to natural language processing, to self-driving, and to medical applications. Our goal is to guide students to get familiar with these recent cutting-edge deep learning (DL) advances in computer vision and natural language processing. Through this course, students will gain a basic understanding of DL algorithms, and how to set up and solve problems involving deep learning techniques. The course will include a couple of practical assignments and a final course project. For the final course project, students will be encouraged to pick their own topics, but can also select from a provided list of projects.
- Time: Fridays, 1:00pm-4:20pm PST
- Location: THH 201
- Discussion: Piazza
- Contact: Students should use Piazza for any course-related questions. For external inquiries, personal matters, or emergencies, you can email the CSCI 566 staff at
. Please do not email any of the CSCI 566 staff individually.

- Instructor
Prof. Jesse Thomason - OH: Mondays 10-11am, SAL 244

- Teaching Assistant
Deqing Fu - OH: Wednesdays 3-4pm, RTH 4th Floor

- Teaching Assistant
Gautam Salhotra - OH: Wednesdays 3-4pm, RTH 4th Floor

- Teaching Assistant
Tejas Srinivasan - OH: Thursdays 10-11am, RTH 4th Floor

- Teaching Assistant
Bingjie Tang - OH: Thursdays 10-11am, TA zoom room

- Teaching Assistant
Shihan Lu - OH: Tuesdays 4-5pm, Tables outside RTH Cafe

- Teaching Assistant
Ayush Jain - OH: Thursdays 12:30pm-1:00pm, TA zoom room

- Teaching Assistant
Jesse Zhang - OH: Thursdays 12-12:30pm, RTH 4th Floor